简介:When her best friend and roommate abruptly moves out to get married, Susan (Melanie Mayron), a wannabe gallery artist slumming it as a bar mitzvah photographer on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, finds herself adrift in both life and love. Could a new job be the answer? What about a fling with a married, older rabbi (Eli Wallach)? A touchstone of American independent filmmaking tha...
简介:第22集《传说中的寅次郎》(Talk of the town Tora San)导演:山田洋次原著:山田洋次剧本:山田洋次、朝间义隆主演:渥美清、倍赏千惠子、大原丽子制作:松竹影业出版日期:1978年12月27日片长:106分钟票房:191万人剧情阿寅回到家里,家里也和其他生意人一样不太景气,叔叔婶婶欲请一位帮手料理生意,介绍所来的早苗以她得体的举止和美貌,受到大家的喜爱。阿寅再次陷入了单相思。其实,早苗正在经受着不幸婚姻的痛苦折磨,她和丈夫已经分居,而对一向爱慕她的表哥却迟迟没有明确的答复。出于对她的关心的同一目的,阿寅和表哥成了好朋友。早苗终于下决心回家乡找表哥。经历了又一场感情波折的阿寅,从妹夫阿博的父亲那里学习到许多人生的学问。他还是原来那个阿寅。
简介:一群年轻人在某郊区别墅内派对,甜酒美食对于追求刺激的年轻人来说远远不够,他们还找来了一种名为“蓝色阳光”的LSD致幻剂。正当众人享乐之时,其中一个家伙突然大声惊呼,他的头发竟然悉数脱光。其他人不以为意,只当其是派对期间的玩笑调剂。曲终人散,年轻人们纷纷离开,这时那个脱发的男人突然狂性大发,残忍杀害了仍留在别墅内的三名女性。主人公杰瑞(Zalman King 饰)返回屋内发现这一切,他与脱发人展开激烈搏斗。两人追逐时脱发人被一辆卡车撞倒。而杰瑞也由此被认为是杀人犯,遭到警方的通缉。孤立无援的他只能独自寻找事件背后的秘密,以求为自己洗脱罪名……
简介:One night when seeking his estranged wife, Hoffmann goes to the youth center where she works. The police are there rounding up radicals who frequent the center - Hoffmann runs into the building and ends up being shot in the head. He awakens with brain trauma, partially paralyzed and unable to speak. The police accuse him of stabbing an officer; the radicals herald him as an innocent victim of police brutality. During his slow recovery at the hospital, Hoffmann must piece together his life and struggle to remember the events of that night.
简介:Ok, folks, this is my last Ishii upload. Totsugeki! Hakata gurentai is his first feature and last 8mm film. Haven't watched it yet myself, but from the looks of it, this is very much reminescent of eighties and nineties v-cinema, sort of like early Miike (only made in 1978). There is considerably more dialogue than in his earlier films, but it doesn't seem too complicated plotwise.