简介:斯蒂夫(卡洛斯·李尔 Carlos Leal 饰)是一名木匠,他一直渴望能够在自己的专业内做出一番事业,可等待着他的却总是失败。某日,斯蒂夫意外的得知了前男友的死讯,他是因为患上了艾滋病而去世的。临死前,前男友将自己的骨灰托付给了斯蒂夫,希望他能够将它们撒进大海里。骨灰的事情很快就给前男友的家人们知道了,他们找到了斯蒂夫,让他交出骨灰。就在斯蒂夫准备就范之际,前男友的情人出现在了他的面前,为了能够完成爱人的遗愿,他不惜绑架了斯蒂夫,两人共同踏上了前往大海的旅途。
简介:A group of women are kidnapped by guerrillas and forced to serve as prostitutes for them in a jungle brothel. The sadistic female warden decapitates uncooperative girls.
简介:Young women make for the best hosts in this sexploitation film from Erwin Dietrich. A series of short stories that show young women in various sexual situations who enjoy playing host to their male and female visitors.
简介:又名: Le insaziabili voglie della ragazza con la Rolls Royce nbsp;女主角是一个受欢迎的女演员,但也是一个性成瘾者,为了满足自己的慾望,她决定跟着她的司机,开着她名贵的劳斯莱斯劳斯,奔驰在美丽的乡村理,女主角裸体坐在后排乘客座椅,透过玻璃车窗,找寻能满足她慾望的目标..... 属于.........